Saturday, January 9, 2010

1/09/10: One Plus Nine Equals Ten

This must surely be an auspicious date! Look at the way the numbers add up! Just thinking about it has me wearing out my ! key! Such a mathematical coincidence will only happen n!ne t!mes th!s year.
The Mayans must be behind it all. Their calendar foretold the end of the world, many centuries ago, before the invention of the Apocalyptic Prediction of the Day desk calendars we have today. Everything fit together, like cogs in a gear, inside the cosmic machine that is the cosmos, which is a Greek word meaning "vast, yet orderly place, whose meaning will be revealed to us by a tribe of homicidal Mesoamerican, mathematical prodigies." Let's go ask the Maya what the significance of today's date is. Oh, we can't. They're not around anymore.
Could it be that the above-written date is just another in a counting sequence we've adopted to track, as exactly as we can from our nearly round planet's trip around the Sun, the passage of unfathomable time, the meaning of which comes not from a Benevolent Father who has set the celestial bodies in motion in an orderly and purposeful way, but rather by a Heavenly Toddler, who having started all his tops spinning, has toddled off to another corner of the Universe to check out some shiny object he saw there?
If so, then it is like today's run: no purpose, other than to get a couple of miles in before work. Two miles in 17 minutes.
Thanks for humoring me.

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