Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pottspourri 3/30/10

I had to take a bathroom break at the Metcalf South Mall during my run this morning. It's hard to believe the thing hasn't been razed, since nearly all the retail shops left long ago. There are a fair number of wholesalers doing business by appointment only, but only two retailers that I could see: Sears, and Macy's. The place seems stuck in time, with the decor, and some store fronts, now defunct, unchanged for more than a decade. It's weird, but I find myself feeling sorry for a place that was bustling for a time, and is now all but abandoned.

Looks like it's time to put away the winter gear. Temperatures this week look like they'll get no colder than the 40s, so I can probably pack up the tights, the long-sleeved shirts, and the wind briefs. Vive le printemps!

I ran just three today, anticipating that I will do a long one tomorrow before work. Not looking forward to working after a three-hour run-in fact, I usually avoid doing both on the same day. But it will give me an extra day of rest before my marathon on April 18th.

Amy and I watched American Idol last night. Didi gave by far the worst performance, which may allow Tim to stay around for another week. More females seem to vote than males, and they seem to go for Tim because he's cute and affable. But, he is one strange dude: He stares vacantly into the camera, while singing a love song that is totally devoid of love, or even energy. I wanted to kill him a couple of weeks ago, when he did a reggae version of "Under My Thumb," during Rolling Stones Week. He gave a misogynistic lyric sort of a happy-go-lucky, Jack Johnson vibe. He almost smiled when he sang "...the squirming dog, who has just had her day." He should have been flushed that week, and banned from all singing, even in his own shower, for life.

Thanks for reading.

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